Thursday, June 4, 2009

21 weeks...6 days

The baby is growing great... I got to hear the heartbeat today and it was 146. Dr. said everything looked perfect. I am having a completely normal uneventful pregnancy! I am so thankful for that! Next appointment is the glucose test which I am just oh so excited for. I decided on the orange flavor after much pondering over what the "cola" drink might taste like. So I guess for now , no news is good news! Just wanted to update and let everyone know that everything is still going good.


  1. COLA! You are the first person to ever mention a flavor choice, my mind is blown.

  2. There was, lemon lime, cola, fruit punch, orange and grape!

  3. hmmm...fruit punch eh? I might have to orde me up some of that in a couple of years. ;)
