Friday, September 18, 2009

I'm getting sleeeepy...

And this is only the beginning! I cant imagine how tired I will be once she is actually here. The shower was amazing... so many people came - I dont think any of us expected that kind of turn out! We got a ton of diapers, and a ton of cute tiny little baby clothes. Its so odd to be folding these tiny little onesies and thinking that they will actually be too big for her for a few months!

My last doctors appointment didnt really go as I had planned, but I guess thats life. My blood pressure is up and he wants to possibly induce early if it doesnt go back down. The baby is full term and measuring right on the money as far as weight and everything , so theres no issues there. I'm hoping the bp issues have something to do with extra stress, and me being sick. I've had this "crud" for a while now and I'm sure its not helping anything. My next appointment is Wednesday and we will see how everything looks then. Everyone keep your fingers crossed that my bp makes its way back down to normal so we can continue on through the end of this pregnancy as planned.

We also went for the last ultrasound, Matt actually got to go with me! It was neat to see her squirming around in there, but she is definitley out of room. She's already head down, but liable to move at any time still.

Other than being sick with this cold or whatever it is, I'm doing really good... I honestly cant complain about being pregnant. I am so thankful that I havent had the struggles that a lot of other women face. We are so excited to meet our little girl, and who knows - it might just be sooner than we had expected!


  1. I know I'm supposed to want her to hang out in there a while longer... but I want her to come out and play!

  2. Haha... Matt does too, he makes it a point to tell her everyday "Its safe to come out now!" :)
