First of all, the ultrasound was very long and mildly uncomfortable.. would you like to feel my pain? Go to your kitchen, grab the cooking oil.
Lay on the floor, now pour the cooking oil into your belly button... Oh wait! Make sure the oil is nice and cold. Now take , hmm.. since you are in the kitchen, lets say - a rolling pin? Go ahead and dig around in your belly button with that for an hour. Wasn't that fun?
All kidding aside, the U/S was pretty neat because we got to see the baby's face and bones... all that good stuff... but at first the cord was in the way of seeing the gender, then after digging in my guts via my navel for a good 20 minutes, the cord moved and we still couldn't get a clear shot. We got some good profile pictures and it was really nice to see that little heart just thumping right along!
The tech said that if she had to lean one way, she would say a girl - but not with more than 60% certainty, she followed that with "I wouldn't run out and buy a bunch of pink stuff" ... so whatever that means. Our next ultrasound will be between 25 and 30 weeks to get the 3D face pictures, so maybe we will see something then. Or maybe the Dr will take pity on me and try to get a peek at our next appointment. Maybe I should come bearing cookies or something... what can you bribe a Dr with?
Would you like to see some pictures?
This one is apparently the best one of the "gender" - its where you should be able to see something, or not... and its not the greatest picture - but go ahead and try anyway. Follow the arrow which is pointing directly down to between the legs and the booty. Those little white lines above there are little feet and legs that are all curled up!
Hi Baby - maybeagirlmaybeaboy!!!
ReplyDeleteI think doctors can be bribed with Dr. Pepper. And on the Cosby Show? His patients seemed to always make him cakes and cookies and stuff.