Tuesday, April 7, 2009

13 weeks, 4 days!

Today was our first appointment where we could hear the heartbeat... we were both pretty excited and looked forward to it all day. We waited for an hour to see the Dr. and then he said that my blood pressure was a little higher than they like it to be, so now I have to do a 24 hour urine collection. Gee am I excited. He assured us it was probably nothing to worry about, a just in case type thing... so don't worry about tiny Hank! We heard the heart beat on the Doppler, what I mean by "we" is me and the Dr... Matt didn't really hear it much I don't think... He will get closer next time! It was all short and sweet and we didn't learn much at all... but I was relieved to hear that the baby is zooming around in there, doing just great. At one point I could hear the heartbeat really clear , and then there was a "whooosh" and it was gone- the Dr said that it was moving, so he went to the other side of my belly and found it again! Pretty neat that the little guy/gal is just swimming around in there! We are anxiously awaiting our next ultrasound so we can see how everything is growing.

I am feeling SO much better than before... I actually have energy to get out of bed now... and I really don't have any complaints! Still really excited!!! :)


  1. Aww little Hank is going to be an Olympic swimmer I bet you!

  2. *pounds fists on table*
    Update! Update! Update!
